Packaging, Product  – 2020

Personal Project

In the United States, only 60 percent of the food produced is actually eaten, with 52 percent of fruits and vegetables thrown out. One of the main reasons is confusion over food shelf life since most fruits and vegetables don’t have expiration date labels.

“Fruit Color Swatches” simplifies useful information about fruit’s shelf life into a visually pleasing and unique format. The swatch book contains swatches of fruits going through their shelf lives. It also includes the days and descriptions of what the fruit looks, feels, and smells like. The last swatch in every row is an example of an expired fruit. By comparing that with the actual fruit, the user will know if the fruit has expired in order to avoid unnecessary food waste. Below the swatches are shelf lives in the refrigerator, pantry, and shelf life extension tip. “Fruit Color Swatches” hopes to educate people about fruit shelf life and ultimately helps to reduce the amount of food waste in the household.
